SAFENET Notification

  • Monthly System Maintenance is scheduled on Saturday, May 18. It will begin at 7am (MDT) and last approximately four hours. During this time frame, there will be a disruption in service and applications will be unavailable. If you are not able to access the application after the completion of the maintenance, please direct your issues to the following email:

SAFENET Agency Response

Wildland Fire Safety & Health Reporting Network

Agency Response Information
20231109-0003        [ Return to SAFENET ]
Agency Response ID:
Taken By:
Ken Mathis
Taken Date:
Originator Notified:
Originator Notified Date:
CIO/LMR Technician reported SC North (Andrew Pickens) National Flight Following (NFF) was restored less than an hour after it was reported as malfunctioning.

The Local/Remote (LOC/REM) switch that connects the Midland BT3 Base radio to the network was in the LOC, rather than REM, position. Correcting the switch’s position to REM restored NFF service. The LOC/REM switch is in a storage area where it was likely, but unknowingly, bumped to the wrong position. The area is being more clearly marked to prevent storage of boxes and equipment around the switch and reduce the risk of its inadvertent movement in the future.

For ALL USDA/Forest Service IT-related issues/outages:
The most efficient means of obtaining assistance is by opening a ticket with the Forest Service Customer Help Desk (CHD) at 1-866-945-1354 (TTY: 1-800-877-8339). The user/customer should request a ticket be opened, reporting as specifically as possible WHAT system(s) or capabilities were affected, the date and time WHEN they were impacted, WHERE the impact occurred, and WHO can provide additional information that may be required. Please include the ticket number in ALL correspondence related to the issue/outage, including SAFENET if one is initiated

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