SAFENET Notification

  • Monthly System Maintenance is scheduled on Saturday, September 14. It will begin at 7am (MDT) and last approximately four hours. During this time frame, there will be a disruption in service and applications will be unavailable. If you are not able to access the application after the completion of the maintenance, please direct your issues to the following email:


Wildland Fire Safety & Health Reporting Network

SAFENET Event Information
Create Agency Response

20190819-0001        [Corrective Actions]
Event Start Date:
08/14/2019 1146
Event Stop Date:
Incident Name:
Disregarded concern for safety
Fire Number:
Local Unit:
Incident Type:
Incident Activity:
Stage of Incident:
Position Title:
Engine Captain 
Preparedness for IA 
Management Level:
Resources Involved:
1 T4 engine 
Contributing Factors
Contributing Factors:
Equipment, Human Factors
Human Factors:
Decision Making, Leadership, Risk Assessment  
Other Factors:
Describe in detail what happened including the concern or potential issue, the environment (weather, terrain, fire behavior, etc), and the resulting health issue.
I was tasked with finding replacements for my 2 students leaving the fire season early. I worked on networking throughout the summer and because of some miscommunications, the situation went from "we'll play it by ear" up to 8/12 to a big urgent deal on 8/14. Dispatch was asked to build a request for an ENGB (t) or FFT1 and one FFT2. DO told me to handle this, but I later learned that he was also handling it and we were working against each other.

In my communication with a CRWB of potential personnel, I explained that I want to support his crew but am more concerned about safety and the ability to mentor and teach. When he said he only has really green rookies, I explained that under the current circumstances - mid august fire behavior, 3 person engine crew (with me as the only person with any engine experience and required to drive) poor communication ability with those outside of the cab, and persistent vehicle issues, to name a few - I do not feel safe having two rookies without help from a more experienced engine person. He agreed his priority is the safety of and positive experience for his guys.

It came to my attention that one of the people I had been networking with tried to send someone (ENOP t) and was told "we have it covered in house". This is when I learned the DO was also involved, so I asked why he canceled the order, "it will just be too much of a pain to go to the airport to pick up one guy". He then told me I would take what I was given and make it work, "we do this all the time". I expressed to my leadership and DO at least 5 times each that I do not feel comfortable with this situation, and used the risk refusal protocol to offer workable alternatives. In response to all of my pleas, I was belittled and berated verbally and in email.

I understand that policy does not have any issues with 2 rookies on a 3 person engine. I worked the entire season with two guys with very little experience and we spent all season doing training and drills, but I do not feel comfortable bringing two brand new guys in the middle of August when fire behavior could be really dangerous paired with poor communication and unreliable equipment. Even my outgoing seasonal students think it is dangerous.

High Reliability Organizations are meant to hear the concerns of employees at all levels. Not one person in my chain of command took my safety concern seriously nor did anyone try to understand the reasons for my concern. Instead I got "this is not a safety issue, it is a leadership issue." Lessons Learned (mine and others in wildfire) has taught me to listen to that feeling of unrest. There is a big difference between being mentored through something that doesn't feel right and being forced into doing it with no support.
Immediate Action Taken
Reporting Individual : please describe actions you took to correct or mitigate the unsafe/unhealthful event.
I offered solutions that would make me feel safe: trade one qualified/experienced guy from another engine on the district OR fill the orders as requested, so I can have an additional driver or mentor.

Agency Response


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