Wildland Fire Safety & Health Reporting Network

SAFENET Event Information
Create Agency Response

20190721-0002        [Corrective Actions]
Event Start Date:
07/20/2019 1930
Event Stop Date:
Incident Name:
Fire Number:
Local Unit:
Bitterroot NF
Incident Type:
Incident Activity:
Stage of Incident:
Initial Attack
Position Title:
Center Manager 
IA Dispatcher 
Management Level:
Resources Involved:
8 Firefighters 
Contributing Factors
Contributing Factors:
Communications, Equipment
Human Factors:
Other Factors:
Describe in detail what happened including the concern or potential issue, the environment (weather, terrain, fire behavior, etc), and the resulting health issue.
Canyon fire IC-Trainee called to check in for the night @ 1911 on 7/21. I heard the first part of their transmission that they were hiking off the fire and had line all the way around it. The rest of the transmission was unreadable. When I tried to call them back using the Willow Base Station on our dispatch console (as Deer Mtn Direct was not hitting them), there was immediate static that transmitted into dispatch and the field. I tried for 20 minutes to try and reach them, but would only initiate the static as soon as I pressed the transmit button. When it would stop, the fire was able to do a call in the blind to confirm they were almost back at camp.
As the fire is in a remote location, the safety concern was if they had any needs overnight that we would be unable to assist due to the communication issues. Additionally, if the issues continue into tomorrow morning, they have a satellite phone but it should not be the primary commo method while engaged on the fire.
Immediate Action Taken
Reporting Individual : please describe actions you took to correct or mitigate the unsafe/unhealthful event.
Left radio technician a voicemail, opened a ticket with CHD that was elevated and contacted Forest Duty Officer.
IC called on satellite phone to relay the message that they were back at camp to their manager, who relayed the info to dispatch. We have the sat phone number and they will relay through the manager if they have any needs during the night.

Agency Response


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