SAFENET Notification

  • Monthly System Maintenance is scheduled on Saturday, September 14. It will begin at 7am (MDT) and last approximately four hours. During this time frame, there will be a disruption in service and applications will be unavailable. If you are not able to access the application after the completion of the maintenance, please direct your issues to the following email:


Wildland Fire Safety & Health Reporting Network

SAFENET Event Information
Create Agency Response

Event Start Date:
10/10/2017 1439
Event Stop Date:
Incident Name:
Atlas Peak Fire
Fire Number:
Local Unit:
LNU (Vacaville Fire Protection District - CA-VVF)
Incident Type:
Incident Activity:
Stage of Incident:
Initial Attack
Position Title:
Structure Protection 
Management Level:
Resources Involved:
Crew and Type I Engine (CA-VVF E-264) 
Contributing Factors
Contributing Factors:
Human Factors, Other
Human Factors:
Performance, Situational Awareness  
Other Factors:
Lack of NWCG and CICCS qualifications for personnel 
Describe in detail what happened including the concern or potential issue, the environment (weather, terrain, fire behavior, etc), and the resulting health issue.
Personnel from a Northern California Fire Protection District were assigned to Structure Protection on the Atlas Peak Incident in the Green Valley area of Napa and Solano counties. An engine was assigned to perform Structure Protection and as a result of parking the unit approximately 8-10 feet from a barn, the vehicle sustained moderate flame and heat impingement damage to the driver side of the vehicle. Damage includes cracked driver side windshield and gasket melted, driver side, side window cracked and gasket melted, paint bubbling, emergency lighting melted, marker lights melted, all pump panel gauges and controls melted and unreadable and 1.75" hose melted in the crosslay bed. Structure Protection of the barn appears to have been performed with a 0.75" hard booster line with no WUI Structure Protection lines deployed. It should be noted it does not appear the engine was backed in to perform structure protection which may have played a factor in deciding to leave the vehicle in place and not moving. This was compounded by the fact that many, if not all four (4) crew members do not have any NWCG and/or CICCS Wildland Firefighter Qualifications or Certifications for the positions they held on the Type I Engine for this assignment. It is unknown at this time if the vehicle was removed from the incident and/or if it has even been reported to the Atlas Peak Incident Commander or Safety Officer for the Division assigned. In addition to the lack of Qualifications and Certifications, it is believed this is a result of a lack of situational awareness in the WUI by utilizing a 0.75" booster line for the fire conditions presented.
Immediate Action Taken
Reporting Individual : please describe actions you took to correct or mitigate the unsafe/unhealthful event.
It has been stressed on several occasions to management, the personnel within Northern California Fire Protection District are lacking the requisite training and qualifications for Wildland Firefighting, Strike Team and Task Force assignments for all levels (positions) on Type I, Type III, Type V and Water Tender assignments. The Northern California Fire Protection District is a Volunteer Fire District with two (2) full time suppression personnel. Training seems to be a low priority and is evidenced by the Volunteer Battalion Chief/Training Officer who is almost always absent from training, has geared a lot of training to web based and is lacking the qualifications/certifications himself for the position he is currently assigned. This was a "fortunate" event in the sense nobody was seriously injured or killed and only vehicle damage was incurred.

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